We hope you all can come to Babywearing Wellington's next slingmeet
from 10 am on Friday 3 February, 2012
in the guest room at the Southern Cross
39 Abel Smith St, Te Aro, Wellington.
We have a short presentation on a particular aspect of Babywearing, following by an informal session when you can try a range of different carrier types, ask any questions you like, hire a carrier from our library or just chat with some friendly folk over a coffee.
This month's presentation is on "Babywearing 101"
In this introduction to babywearing, we’ll also talk about the benefits for mum (or dad) and baby, and cover safety. We’ll also demo different styles of carriers “in action” (i.e. with our babies / toddlers on board).
We're happy to answer any questions you may have about all aspects of babywearing and about any type of baby carrier. Please feel free to bring any questions you have with you on Friday, or contact us at any time.
As always, our carrier library will be available for browsing and borrowing.
Bring your friends!
Our meetings are open to the public, so please feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested - friends, family, other mums and dads... you don't have to have a baby to be a babywearing supporter!