We hope you all can come to Babywearing Wellington's next slingmeet
from 10 am on Friday 2 December,
in the guest room at the Southern Cross
39 Abel Smith St, Te Aro, Wellington.
This month's theme is "Babywearing on Holiday" - very appropriate for the season! This time we're going to run our slingmeet a little differently. It'll be an informal exchange of stories about using babywearing as a parenting essential when on holiday . We'd love to hear your babywearing on holiday stories too! Come along for a relaxed chat about the many advantages of babywearing when you're on the move, and swap some tips and tricks of the trade.
We'll have the full carrier library available for you to try out and practice with, and for this month only we're offering an extended hire period of up to six weeks! This means you can hire a carrier over the Christmas and New Year break, and don't have to worry about arranging to return it to us until the 2012. All our carriers are hired out on a first in first served basis.
We're also happy to answer any questions you may have about all aspects of babywearing and about any type of baby carrier. Please feel free to bring any questions you have with you on Friday, or contact us at any time.
Bring your friends!
Our meetings are open to the public, so please feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested, friends, family, other mums and dads... you don't have to have a baby to be a Babywearing supporter!