We hope you all can come to Babywearing Wellington's next slingmeet
from 10 a.m. on Friday 2 September, 2011
in the guest room at the Southern Cross
39 Abel Smith St, Te Aro, Wellington.
After the success of our earlier "Babywearing 101" talk (which covered the basics of babywearing), this month's talk "Babywearing 201" goes further and focuses on the many health benefits of babywearing. It turns out that babywearing is not only convenient for mum, but also very good for baby! So do come along, hear our talk, check out the carrier library and mingle with other parents who "wear" their babies!
We're happy to answer any questions you may have about all aspects of babywearing and about any type of baby carrier. Please feel free to bring any questions you have with you on Friday, or contact us at any time.
Bring your friends!
Our meetings are open to the public, so please feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested, friends, family, other mums and dads... you don't have to have a baby to be a Babywearing supporter!