We just wanted to take the opportunity to share with you one of the stories submitted to last month's "Heart to Heart" competition. The winner of the Heart to Heart stretchy wrap was Emma C., who was nominated by a friend for the grace with which she has dealt with some serious parenting challenges and for using her experiences to help others. Emma is expecting a second baby at the end of this year and, with two under two, we thought the wrap would help her to wear her new baby while keeping up with her toddler.
Another submission that really stood out for us was this one submitted by Rachael. Though she didn't win the main prize we felt that her story of gifting wraps to friends to introduce them to babywearing matched our passion for sharing the babywearing love. Rachael received a pair of Huggalugs legruffles for her daughter, and has allowed us to share her story with you.
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I first saw a friend, Shannon, wearing a stretchy wrap in 2007. It was a home-made one, gifted to her by another friend. Her baby looked so sweet and happy cuddled up and sleeping that I knew I wanted to use one "one day". Cue 2009, aka Year of the baby, I was pregnant as were several of my friends, I decided to try my hand at making my own and others for gifts. Shannon lent me hers to use as a template and away I went. I spread the baby-wearing love and ended up gifting wraps to four of my friends as well as making two for me! Things being the way they are, mine didn't get made until after baby was born. She was 3 weeks old when I finally cut one for me. It was such a blessing. I wore her uphill and down, inside and outdoors, around the house andout shopping. I wore her in restaurants and museums and I wore her at a friend's wedding reception. When she started to be a bit too big and wiggly for the full on front carry, I wore her in a side carry on my hip, so handy for the walk between door and car. After a month or so of that, a friend gave me a woven wrap and taught me a back carry and that's what we mostly use now.